Refresh Your Space With Clean Air and Green Foliage!

Come in to see our beautiful selection of dish gardens, terrariums and indoor plants at Sabellico Greenhouses & Florist. We have helped our customers to easily beautify their homes and businesses. We have 70 years of experience and look forward to welcoming you to our store.

Want to feel better? Invest in houseplants

Houseplants are not just beautiful, they are beneficial! They bring the beauty of nature inside, updating the look and feel of your home or office while improving your overall health. Studies have found that house plants help us relax and brighten our mood, thus relieving stress and anxiety. They are constantly cleaning the air we breathe and help us sleep better by acting as a natural humidifier. They even enhance cognitive skills. All in all, indoor plants are a fantastic addition to any indoor space.

It’s not that hard to grow houseplants

There are some plants for almost any location, including some like the snake plant that are hard to kill. Here at Sabellico Greenhouses & Florist, we are loaded with lush, healthy indoor plants and we will help you find the perfect plants for your home or office. Our goal is to help you successfully grow your indoor plants. Whether you’re new to growing indoor plants or just haven’t had much luck in the past with them, we can recommend plants that are tough enough to withstand some neglect.

The magic of indoor plants

Plants absorb carbon dioxide and pollutants in the air and then, almost like magic, release clean oxygen and water back into the air. Include at least one 10 to 12” houseplant per 100 square feet of space to purify the air from pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. These pollutants are commonly found in detergents, carpeting, furniture and paints.
Contact our indoor plant experts today.
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